Thursday morning began the Jr/Sr High retreat. The kids arrived here at the school at the usual time, but instead of going to the usual classes... they attended a retreat. This retreat differed a little from the last, simply in that it was held here on the school grounds. All of the guys stayed across the soccer field in the facultad for the ABWE Bible Instute, and the girls split up between my apartment and the one next door.
The theme for the 2 days was "Friendship". So many of the games and activities centered around working together as a group and building up each others strengths and weeknesses. Each of us teachers were asked to give a testimony regarding how the Lord used friendships in our lives while we were growing up. It was neat to hear how the Lord works.
I'm very grateful for the time to be able to work with and get to know these teens better. We have 4 new faces in the highschool this semester... actually, they're are new to me. All 4 of them have attended here before, but were either on furlough with their families or just weren't able to be here last semester.
Over all we have a pretty good group of kids here at SCA and I am excited to see how he will work this semester. I have already been encouraged by the attitude change of some from last semester.