Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

New Computer!

I'm about ready to jump out of my skin! I am writing this to you from my new laptop! This little thing is a beauty and I can't wait to try everything out! Oh, I can't tell you how excited I am! I plan to put it work right away and get some prayer cards finished as well as a letter and a few other things. I'll probably sleep with it actually :)
On Saturday I went to a wedding of a friend of mine and then drove to Dix, Nebraska. I actually lived in Dix at one time and I love spending time there. It's like being with family! Their faithfulness and love for the Lord is an encouragement to me. I was able to share with them Sunday morning and then share with Bible Baptist in Scottsbluff. Of course the people in Scottsbluff are also very special to me and it was great to see them again.
This coming weekend I will be working my way east and sharing at a couple of churches on the way out and on the way back. On the in-between days I will spending some time with family and friends who I probably won't get to see for a while. Please pray for safety! I think sometimes I take for granted the safety that the Lord gives.
I also have a praise! I am up to about 50% of what I need in order to be able to go to Chile in July. It is so exciting to see how the Lord provides. The other night I got a call from a Pastor friend of mine who told me that his church had already voted on and decided to support me before I had even been to the church. I was totally blown away and sooo grateful!
Thank you for all of your prayers! You are a blessing to me!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

It's June Already!!!

Hmm... where to start? I made it back home safe and sound on Memorial Day. I was a little on the tired side, but so glad to be home again. My sister was here for a few days with her kids and thankfully I was able to some good quality time with them.
Over all, choir tour went very well. We had lots of rain while driving back, but the Lord granted us safety. I'm so thankful for everyone who was able to be there.
OK... so I was able to go speak at Liberty Baptist Church in Casper this last Sunday. I really love the people there and was happy to see them again. This was the first Sunday that I have been able to share with a church what the Lord is doing in my life and in Chile. I was a little... ok... a lot nervous. I did learn a little about some things that I might do different next time, but things went pretty well. The people at Liberty were very gracious. Anyway, I am looking forward to going to some more churches and sharing with them. My next project over the next few days/week is to get a prayer card finished and other things like that. Please pray for me as talk with other pastors and arrange to go talk with more churches. Thanks so much for your prayers!