Sunday, September 14, 2008

He aplazado! (I have procrastinated!)

Wow... time has flown by since my last post and I'm not totally sure where to begin. Many things have taken place around here in the last week and a half!

This last Wednesday the Pre-K - 2nd grade took a field trip to the local Jumbo (pronounced Joombo). This store would be very similar to a Super WalMart in the States. Anyway, the pictures here show you a little of the get up that each of us was required to wear for our little tour. We were quite the sideshow as we traipsed around in these outfits. During the course of the trip we visited the Dairy, Fish, Produce, and Bakery. The kids even got to hold and knead their own little piece of dough. Pretty exciting!

This last Thursday we had a very interesting discussion in one of the Junior High History classes. We began the class by discussing the origin of schools in Colonial American. The basic need for schools came because society as a whole had a desire for their kids to learn to read and write for the expressed purpose of being able to read Scripture. They knew that this Biblical foundation was needed in order to, at the very least, have a "Christian" or moral based society. This discussion then led to contrasting the schools of that time with the schools of today. Not a pretty picture. I'm not really sure how it got there, but we eventually were talking about the end times, the antichrist, and eternal security. It really was a good discussion and I look forward to having more opportunities in the future to discuss these things. Normally, we would not take a class period and discuss just any random old thing, but in a way it did apply and I felt that several of these things were good for all of us to talk through.

You could be in prayer for the school in one specific way. After this semester the school will be losing 3 highschool teachers. 2 only planned on being here for a semester and the other is going off the field and back to the States. Then next year (beginning July 09) There will be probably 4 more positions that will need to be filled. Our God is amazing though and he already has it taken care of for us! It's so exciting to see the way he works! Thanks for your prayers!

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