As I mentioned in my last post, Friday was an all nighter here at the school. All but two students in the Junior and Senior High were able to make it. As per the norm here in Chile, the scheduled starting time was 8 but we didn't really get started till about 9. That was ok... cause we had all night! We kind of kicked things off with a game of soccer, some knockout, and four square. It was fun to get everyone involved. Around Midnight we fed everyone some spaghetti then headed out to the bonfire.
We had the usually bonfire activities of singing and devotional. However, the students were also presented with a challenge to read through the whole New Testament in the month of November. Most all of the students as well as the faculty have accepted the challenge. Please pray that they would be faithful in doing this and that through their reading they will have a desire to read and search apart from this challenge. Of course, you can't have a bonfire without smores... so we indulged. However, I was surprised to find that many of the kids had never had a smore before.
We closed out our bonfire about 3 and headed inside for some more games. Some were messy and some weren't. The real down time didn't happen until about 4:30. Though it's been a while since I've stayed up all night... we were busy enough pretty much all night and I didn't have a whole lot of trouble staying awake.
The kids were each sent home with bellies full of pancakes and other junk food from the evening. I finally crawled into my own bed about 8:30, but unfortunately wasn't able to sleep much more than a couple of hours. Slowly but surely I'm recovering! It was an exciting time!