Saturday, October 4, 2008

End of the first quarter!

Yesterday officially marks the ending of the first 9 weeks of school. Which means grades are due into the office by Tuesday. Time is passing rather quickly and it seems as if school just started. Everything has settled into a rather nice routine though.
On Tuesday we will be having an international dinner here at the school. Because we have so many people from different backgrounds and nationalities, the idea is to have each student bring a main course and desert of something that is unique to their home area. It was rather a challenge to come up with something that is particularly unique to Nebraska (Wyoming or South Dakota), and be able to make it correctly. Cooking down here is not the same as at home. For one, the ingredients are not all the same and the fickleness of the oven proves to be quite a challenge. So, my end decision is to make a fruit pizza. The fruit is readily available and Fruit pizza is just plain yummy!
The sun is shining so brightly today and I'm super excited about summer being just around the corner. I know there will probably be times when I'll wish for the cooler weather back, but I'm pretty sure it won't be very often! :P
Thank you all for your prayers and encouragement! Phil 1:3-4

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